Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Tales From the Scales Karaoke

OK, leave it to someone anonymous reminding me (with love, of course) that it's Tuesday and time to weigh in. To be honest folks, I've stopped weighing in because my scale is from the devil and has a mind of it's own. I can get on it three different times and it will say three different things.

BUT-- that should not have stopped me from reporting in how I was doing otherwise...and from checking in on those faithful still doing the challenge. So, I'm back. And, of course...it's time for Tuesday's Tales from the Scales Karaoke:

(sung to the tune of "Old MacDonald".........)

Katiebod stopped weighing in
A couple months ago
She'd grown real tired of
Watchin the scale
Up and Down it'd go

With a pound lost here
And a gain of two there
Loss of one
Gain of three
Every day an up/down

Katiebod stopped weighin in
A couple months ago

But on the net there was a friend
Pulling her back in
Reminding her
Of Tuesday's chore
It's time to weigh again

So she's here to say
That she's back again
Workin' hard
Walkin' hard
Every day a walkin' walkin'

Katiebod is here to stay
Until the very end....


UPDATE: The scale says I've lost two pounds this week...don't know if I trust Mr. Unreliable......but, here's what's more important:

* I've cut out sodas completely (including my beloved Diet Coke)
* So far this week, I've walked 16 miles!!!
* My clothes are looser and I feel better!


ollie1976 said...


Beth said...

Well look at all of those changes you made! WOW! Sixteen miles! YOU GO GIRL!

And I think this week's karaoke is my favorite...except now I'm walking around singing "moo moo here, moo moo there."

That's not a good thing, Katie Dear!
But your weight loss is, keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

good job girl!

Roses Are Red, Violets are Violet said...

thank you! it's been a fight getting up at 6:00 every morning...it's also been so humid. ICK! But, I feel much better knowing it's out of the way!

Girl Gone Wild - BibleStyle said...

That's great, Katie!!! I, like you, stopped the whole weight in cause I was getting too depressed! I think I need to re-think it....

Mom said...

Oh! You have made some really great changes! Just the soda thing is HUGE! Congrats on the weight loss, but more so on changing your lifestyle, see you next week!

lorettaspeaks said...

Good for you!!!

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

That is QUITE awesome! Congrats on wonderful progress. Giving up the soda is a biggie!

maria said...

Great walking stats.

I agree with you that it is pretty difficult to get up early and walk while it is so humid.

I walk in my basement which is huge and unfinished. I also use the "nordic poles" as it makes it much easier for me to walk with my bad leg.

When it gets colder, I'll walk outside again.

Also, congrats for giving up the soda. Not an easy thing to do.

My scale also has a mind of its own.

Keep up the fight.


Anonymous said...

Okay, I'll delurk! I should even admit you're on my blogroll too.
I like your humor - I've seen your comments on other blogs and had to check ya out! Who knew we had the devil scale in common?
Congrats!! Like everyone else said giving up pop is HUGE!

Melanie said...

I loved the karaoke! So much fun! If you feel better and your clothes are looser that's all that really matters!

Sara @ Life With the Two said...

Welcome back, and good job! Don'w worry so much about what the scale says, worry about how you feel! Keep up the good work!

Barb said...

Good job! WTG on setting and keeping your goals. The song was funny. :)

Kellie said...

Giving up sodas is THE hardest thing for me. I love 'em. I crave 'em! Good for you for doing what I'm too whimpy to do!

Good to see Karaoke back! :)

Denise said...

Congrats on losing two pounds, your awesome.

Gayle said...

16 miles? My Hero!

Jen Greven said...

Great job!!!

The 4 Sullivans said...

Yeah for you!!! Keep up the good work! I appreciate all of your sweet comments!

April said...

Wow WTG! 16 miles is a lot. Soda is the devil not your scale , even diet. It has so much sodium that it will kill ya, but I guess you probably knew that. Keep up the good work.

Roses Are Red, Violets are Violet said...

I mention the scale is the devil because it laughs at me each time I get on...throwing different numbers up there as if to say "yeah...you weigh this...Mwahahahaha just kidding...you weigh this....ha ha ha ha no, not really [evil laugh]

Melissa said...

Super! I think the last time I walked 16 miles in a week must have been for a March of Dimes Walk-a-thon or something! :o)
I'm proud of you - you are certainly a stronger woman than I am!
Good on ya!