Sunday, July 22, 2007

You Have Got To Be Kidding Me...

OK, I may be the last person on the internet to view this ... um ... interesting video clip. I'm riveted, I tell you. These are inmates from the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center in Cebu, Philippines practicing Michael Jackson's "Thriller."

Perhaps if we implemented this type of activity in our own penal system, the crime rate would drop dramatically.

And, I ask you, what IS that in the white tank top?


Anonymous said...

No, I don't think you are the last person to see that video. It was my first time watching it also. Oh my what was that in the tank top??? lol

Anonymous said...

OMG - 1st time for me too! That is the funniest yet oddly well choreographed performance...look at the formations! WOW! LOL! Michael Jackson should be proud!

Shawna said...

OH.MY.GOODNESS. I can't believe that. Can you imagine them practicing that video over and over. "Okay, you stand right here. You are not doing the zombie right. Hold your arms like this. No! Like this. Okay, that's it. Solitary confinement!"

fletchboy said... aren't the last person. I am. At least I HOPE I am the last one to endure it. :-) Honestly? Well, I didn't see the whole thing...because I couldn't wait to answer your question. The inhabitant of the white tank top is...well...Michael Jackson! That is the look he was going for, so he "came out" in this video. :-) Sorry...couldn't help myself.

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

Oh. My. Word. Unbelievable. I hve never heard of that. Wow. I'm speechless. As the video began I thought, "How strange that they'd let a woman in a tank top walk around by herself in there with all those inmates." Then I saw the truth. I think.