Thursday, May 03, 2007

Gonna Give it a Go.....

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OK... so another writer whose space I often visit in blogdom has issued a challenge!The May Day Weight Loss Challenge officially begins this coming Tuesday, May 8 and runs through September 18. You know me...I'm always up for a challenge. So, every Tuesday, I'll be reporting the losses (yay!) or gains (boo!) for the week. I'm so ready to FEEL better. If I think about it as soley a way to look better, then that won't be enough to motivate me. If it will give me more energy so that I won't be so out of breath every time I'm running behind my son as he learns to ride his bike... now THAT'S motivating!

My goals are as follows:
  • Lose 25 pounds during the challenge
  • Drink more H2O!
  • Exercise at LEAST 3 days per week
  • Bigger breakfasts/smaller dinners (sigh...don't. like. breakfast.)
  • Fit into the green and black dress that has been hanging in my closet for the past 2 or 3 years with a tag on it cause I can't zip it up there it is. I've put it out there on the beautiful world wide web for everyone to see. If that's not accountability, I don't know what is.
Also, I know there are several sites that I visit but never leave comments...feel free to leave comments on my Weight Loss Challenge (WLC) posts...I need all the encouragement I can get!
Go Katie Go! (OK, I think I need to go lie down for a minute. All this posting has really taken it outta me.) [grin]

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