Thursday, May 10, 2007

Almondy goodness

Well, temptation had to happen sooner or later.

Three days into my weight loss challenge and I have to contend with almond creme cake. I opened the pantry...completely forgetting the almond cake that I had bought for company a few nights before sat on the shelf beckoning me...taunting me with it's luscious layers of almondy goodness.

Temporarily relieved thinking it would probably be stale, I soon discovered (by holding it ever so closely to my nose) that it had only gotten more moist. The flavor wafting out nearly drove me insane and the aroma of nutty, sugar glazed sweetness nearly got the best of me as I quickly strolled (more like sprinted) to the garbage can.

Open lid. Dump cake in. Close lid.

Whew. Crisis averted.


Jen Greven said...

First of all....Good for you!

Second of all...where did you buy such a cake?

Third of all....WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL ME TO COME PICK IT UP?!?! haha

Lighthousegal said...

Good for you, throwing that cake away. I'm not sure I would have had that much will power. I'd probably have had a piece of it first.
I also read your 7 wierd things post.....We actually have a few things in common.
I HAVE to have things organized. Things put in certain places a certain way.
Labeled storage containers are my friends.
My dirty dishes are ALWAYS stacked, with the utensils standing in a glass.
When I'm on the phone, I doodle, but boxes are my thing.
I used to clean my Mom's house twice a week and have also cleaned for my Grandmother, a friend and even my ex husband.

Anonymous said...

wooo hooo!!!

Jen Greven said...

No, seriously-where did you buy it?!?! I have be CRAVING almond flavored stuff!!! :)

Roses Are Red, Violets are Violet said...

Ingle's of all places! It was just one of those pre-made cake thingies that I picked up and it was DELICIOUS (you know, the teenie slice I had the night before my weight loss challenge began!) But, it was covered with toasted almonds and dripping with a sugary glaze.