Wednesday, May 09, 2007

7 Weird Things About Me

OK, so I was tagged to list seven things that are weird about me. Only seven? Good grief, I could fill a month's worth of blogs...wait, not a bad idea. Anyway, here you go:

1] I can't be pinned down. That's right, any dreams of a wrestling career are wasted on me. When I was a young tot, I pulled a heavy deacon's bench over onto myself and severed my face from one side of my mouth to the other just above my lipline. My Mom rushed me to the hospital where they had no time to sedate me before stitching me up. So....they had to strap me to this "papoose" board to do it. To this day, I FREAK if you try to hold me down.

2] I have an irrational fear of lightning. and balloons. OK, the lightning is pretty normal but I do notice that most people don't react the same way I do in open spaces if a bolt of lightning pops. I'm talkin' some serious freaking on my part. I'll be walking through a parking lot and, if lightning occurs, I startle like a wild horse and break out into a full-on run. Marathon-speed, folks. It's got to be a pretty funny sight. Now, the balloon thing is because I am just plain afraid of anything that booms, pops, explodes. Makes me shutter just thinkin about it.

3] Dirty Dish Stacking Game. I can have a sink load of dirty dishes but, to me, it's OK as long as they are stacked neatly with the utensils all standing up in a glass. I'm all about compartmentalization, you know. As long as it's organized, I can cope with pretty much anything. To my dear hubby, though...not so much. Dirty dishes are still dirty dishes. Talk about taking all the fun out of it!

4] I'm a Tupperware-a-holic. Really just containers, in general. I use the term "Tupperware" like folks use "coke" for any carbonated beverage. I once (what is this? therapy?) even numbered my tupperware pieces to match the numbers on the lids so I could always pair them up. Fortunately, I did seek counseling and have worked through that unfortunate incident.

5] Doodling. I can't NOT doodle. It's what keeps me sane. Most frequently doodled objects: pens, flowerpots, coke bottles and lamps. I've got this cylindrical issue we'll discuss later.

6]"Sing me a song, you're the piano man..." I know almost every word to every song ever written. Well, maybe that's a SLIGHT exaggeration. But, once I was riding in a car and my friends kept turning the station just to test me and I didn't even notice. I just kept on singing...and knew every word to all the songs that kept coming on. Fortunately, I have passed this trait on to my child so I'm not the only music freak in the family.

7] I love cleaning other people's houses. Just not my own.


Anonymous said...

wanna come clean my house? i mean, i'm here for you girl, so anytime you feel the urge to clean, come on over!! :-) btw, you and jimmy need to have a song lyrics challenge...he could give you a pretty good run as long as it doesn't go into country songs.

GiBee said...

Wait ... I'll PAY you to come clean my house ...

Roses Are Red, Violets are Violet said...

we might be onto something, GiBee... :-)