Friday, May 25, 2007

Friday's Feast: May 25, 2007

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Appetizer: Name a sound you like to hear.
Thunder! It means a storm is approaching...

Soup: What is your favorite kind of cheese?
It's a tie between cheddar and cream cheese. They are both equally yummy!

Salad: Do you sleep late on Saturday mornings? Why or why not?
Not usually. I wish I could, but my body clock seems to think it's still a week day.

Main Course: When was the last time you forgot something?
What was it, and how long did it take to remember it?

MMmmmm, my purse. It was still under the chair at the church where Daniel had his preschool graduation Tuesday night. My hubby didn't remember me bringing it in and, I knew I didn't take it to the restaurant. When we go thome, it was too late to go to the school/church so I waited until I took him the next morning. Thankfully, my keys were at the house and yes, it was there under my chair in the auditorium. (ok, Brady--feel free to chastise me profusely now. :-)

Dessert: I notice ____________ when _____________.
I notice that I feel more relaxed when summertime rolls around.


Lexy said...

How could you not pick goat cheese?!? mmmm, goat cheese. Oh wait it's your blog; your preferences. We just agree on so much else... :-)

I'm not chastising anybody. My post-40 brain is mush.

Roses Are Red, Violets are Violet said...

awww, c'mon. Don't let me off the hook that easy. :-)


Thunder is quite a very rare sound to be liked but of course you have your own reasons. Great feast.

Roses Are Red, Violets are Violet said...

Yep...I love "bad" weather-- not devastating storms, mind you. But I do love a good thunderstorm (when I'm inside and dry of course) The funny thing I'm terribly afraid of lightning. :-)

Anonymous said...

I identify with your dessert. Even though I lose my quiet day with the kids home, the schedule is much more relaxed.