Friday, August 24, 2007

I'll Get My Spirit Elsewhere, Thanks

OK, I'm chuckling.

Do you remember the treatment I received at Spirit Air a couple months ago? I am not alone. Apparently the anti-Spirit-airlines movement got a little boost this week. If you haven't heard, the CEO of Spirit committed the ultimate cyber-faux pas...hitting the dreaded "reply-all" to an email from a dissatisfied cutomer. Of course, his non-sympathetic, cocky response was then thrown in the lap of the customer...and, needless to made them none too happy.

This response has made its way around the internet quicker than kudzu taking over a telephone pole. And, for disgruntled passengers such as myself, it has basically cemented the fact that no fare is cheap enough to let folks get away with treating customers like this.

To see the original email in its entirety as well as the CEO's response, click here.

As for me, I can't help but smile as I think about the moment that he realized who was on the receiving end of his jerky response.

A hard lesson learned, for sure.

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