Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Five Year Old You

You are running in so many directions
Your interests unfolding
A new passion each day...
You are a baseball star, golf pro,
jigsaw puzzle-solver,
professional popsicle-eater,
bike-riding, karaoke-singing,
tree-swing swinging
delight to be around.

Your deep brown eyes implore me
Your toothless grin makes me smile
And your laughter warms my heart...

Your incessant questioning
Of the world around you
is both refreshing and frustrating
"How does that work?"
"Why does it work that way?"
"Can I try it, Mommy?"
A curiosity I wouldn't trade
For all the peaceful quiet in the world...

The five year old you
You've come so far
Yet you still have a lifetime
To find new passions
Dream new dreams
And I'll always be here
On the sidelines
Cheering you on.

I love you.


Anonymous said...

this is beautiful. i wish i could write from the heart like this. thank you for sharing it with us!

Anonymous said...

perfectly lovely.
As I always say...Daniel is such a blessed, blessed boy to have you as his mom!!!

dewde said...


christine said...

We miss you guys, too. Can't believe he is 5! Great blog, I will add you to my list on mine.
Love the list, mine is not nearly as fancy, so I will use yours.
Also, do write to Spirit Airlines; no one should be treated so rudely!

Jen Greven said...

Alright, way to trigger up the pregnancy hormones...sniff, sniff :)

Anonymous said...

OMG! My eyes are welling up with tears.. this is SO BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for sharing!!
PS: Miss you, too! Coffee soon??

Alisa said...

This was so beautiful. God gave me gifts, but writing wasn't one of them.

I feel so lucky to have you as a friend. I will miss you next year.