I had to post some pictures because, well, he is just so darned sweet! (that and the threats of bodily harm offered up by some very, um, dedicated readers. :-)
I know this will change later, but I was actually happy to have ZERO hours sleep last night. There may have been a dozing moment or two, but I now know the true meaning of "sleeping with one eye open!" I expected to stare at him all night long and, well, I did just that. Every whimper, every little grunt or cry, my eyes would fling open and I'd reach over and rub his tummy or tell him how much I love him. Zero hours sleep was something I had been waiting for.
I know this will change later, but I was actually happy to have ZERO hours sleep last night. There may have been a dozing moment or two, but I now know the true meaning of "sleeping with one eye open!" I expected to stare at him all night long and, well, I did just that. Every whimper, every little grunt or cry, my eyes would fling open and I'd reach over and rub his tummy or tell him how much I love him. Zero hours sleep was something I had been waiting for.
As for J., he's doing really well... a bit gassy at times... but he's a wonderfully content baby. He especially loves lying on our stomachs and, yes, it has afforded me plenty of neck sugar for the takin'!
Without further adieu............

Welcome home, J.!
Yes, yes, YES---WELCOME HOME, JACOB!!!!!
You all look BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
What a b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l boy! LOVE the photo of Daniel with his little brother. Doesn't he look grown up??!?! And so proud. Thanks for sharing these precious first pics of the Bodiford family of FOUR!!!
Much love and rejoicing from your NW fan club!!
I was thinking about you this morning, wondering how things were going! Thanks for sending! He is so PRECIOUS, Daniel is such a good big brother already!
I can't wait to hold him! See you Sunday!
The Kasemeiers
Congrats!! Cute family. Hope you can catch a nap some time soon but how can ya sleep when your prayers are right there?
Oh Katie! He's so stinkin' cute!! What a doll. And Daniel looks estatic to finally have his little brother in hand.
Big sigh and hugs to you from Missouri....
Awwww! He is adorable!! Congratulations!! I am so happy for you guys :)
Enjoy those sweet new baby moments-they go by way too fast!
I guess where I don't have a baby persay right now you really do have the cutest sweetest baby in the whole world. He's a doll! Thank you for hte pictures. I have to say you look great for just getting a baby! Still all refreshed and bright, made up, and cheery. Enjoy enjoy!!!
I have been a "lurker" for some time now and couldn't keep quiet any longer! Your boys are beautiful! I am an adoptive mother and your blog has brought back so many memories for me. May God bless your family!
I have been a "lurker" for some time now and couldn't keep quiet any longer! Your boys are beautiful! I am an adoptive mother and your blog has brought back so many memories for me. May God bless your family!
We are so happy for you all!!!
Congratulations Guys! I am so happy for you. He is precious. Enjoy every moment. You deserve it.
OH my - he's just so adorable!!!! I'm so happy for you guys! Daniel looks GREAT as a big brother! I can't wait to meet the little guy!
Shannon P.~
Aw, what a beautiful family you are. Welcome home, Jacob!
What a beautiful family! Congrats to you all!
What a sweet baby boy. Congratulations again. What a wonderful Christmas present.
Katie, I am loving your blog! What a WONDERFUL Christmas for you!!
I am an adoptee so this gets me very warm and fuzzy. Therefore I can state assuredly that, with the exception of my own kids of course, adopted kids are the BESTEST!! And so are their parents!
Blessings to you all!
How wonderful!!!
I've been keeping up with everything on your blog, but not leaving comments. Sorry about that! Please know that I've been praying for you, though, and so eager for this day to be here for you!
My family keeps wondering what I'm ohhhing and ahhhing at on the computer - it's just your sweet little boy! WHAT A DARLING!
Congratulations! So much happiness and love and excitement. It just makes a heart full. :-)
Much love to all (including the new big brother!),
Stacey @ Happy Are We
Oh. My. Goodness! Is this just the Best Christmas Ever, or what?
I am oh, so happy for you guys!
He is so snuggly wuggly. I can't believe my baby was that tiny just 8 months ago! Savor it...it goes way too fast!!
BTW whenever I have brought a new baby home, the siblings have complete meltdowns over every teeny tiny thing for about a month, and then they get back to normal. Just in case Daniel is acting like an utter spaz whiney weirdo. It'll pass.
So sweet and precious! I am really really thankful at how God answered all the bajillions of prayers about your family, and adding this little boy to it. This hasn't been an easy one, but it's a wonderful story to tell.
What a beautiful baby and such a happy looking family! Congratulations!
Welcome Home, Jacob!
What a perfect addition to your family. I am so excited for you - Congratulations to all of you! He's absolutely precious!
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