Well, this outfit is one that was with a bunch of clothes we borrowed when Baby J. came home and I couldn't resist taking a couple pics of him in it before he grows out of it (since he's never worn it) No, it's not a rough-and-tumble boy outfit...but oh did the picture turn out to be so cute!
And Stacey, don't worry. Nibble away. I do it all. the. time.

Awww now I want a nibble too ;)
He is so sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wonderful picture and I love the outfit!!
Too handsome! I can't wait to dress Logan in outfits like that. My Keith doesn't have a choice. Haha...
What a total dollbaby. Ryan had a little blue bubblesuit when he was 1. Rus called it his "boy-dress." Whatev. Your little one is a serious cutie.
Oh. My. Goodness! You better hide that picture away till J brings his first serious girlfriend home. THEN you'll feel the mama-love.
That little crooked smile is saying, "Yeah...I know who's boss around here!" :) So sweet!
Ha ha! My sister's already sent me an outfit like that for Peanut, and you'd better believe he'll be wearing it out and about for all to see and coo over. It won't be long before I'm gonna be forced to deal with spiderman underpants and skateboard/motocross t-shirts, I'm gettin' my john-john suits and smocked all-in-ones on this boy EARLY and OFTEN.
That child? He is SCRUMPTIOUS.
I am happy that you love that, but I have to say that I think I side with the hubby on the froo froo dept. I've had three daughters. I want a boy so I can dress him in boy clothes.
But, hey, it is a really cute photo. And, all of the other people who like the Baby JFK look can go ga ga while I wait for the one in the football uniform :)
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