Tuesday, June 24, 2008

From a Blank Screen to Waxing Philosophical...in 60.4 Seconds

This blank box with its blinking cursor waits patiently as I stare off into space.




::crickets chirping::

My brain is fried, y'all. There are so many thoughts competing for my attention, I feel like the really important things--the things I should be focusing on--are like little stock traders on the floor of Wall Street. They clamor for my attention, earnestly trying to wade through all the mess that lay dormant inside my jumbled-up head.

You know, I'm chock full of ideas. Ideas about things to do with the kids this summer, fun new dishes to cook, giveaways for the fall conference I'm planning and even how I'd like to see my dream pantry organized. Ideas about blog posts I'd like to write, how to better keep in touch with family and friends as well as prioritizing neat vacation spots and how I can better keep up with the housework. All of these idea streams are snaking their way through my conscious train of thought all day. every day. But how many do I actually find the time to put into action?

Very few.

Why? Because life gets in the way. More immediate needs are pressing and, by the time I find my way to say...mailing a birthday present to a close friend on time? Well, it's too late. I really do want to be the person who always sends the card on time and who has it all together. And I'm working on it. Each day, I try and make little adjustments to bring me closer to the person I want to be.

You see, I'm not the coolest person in the room, the nicest dressed, the most polite or the funniest. I'm not the super-organized one or the one who could be considered the most consistent. I'm not the one who prefers to lead, nor am I one who's too keen on following. I try to be a lot of things...but most of the time I miss the mark.

Who am I then? I'm just me. Hanging there somewhere in the middle of wanting and having, desiring and achieving, dreaming and creating. I'm right there...in the place where life is sweet in its sweetest moments and bitter in the trying times. Like most people, I'm just trying to find my way and make the most of each wonderful 24-hour period I'm given.

Aren't we all?


MelDrop's Corner said...

i think you're terrific!! just my 2 cents.

MelDrop's Corner said...

well, a little nutty at times, but i'm ok with that. ;-)

Anonymous said...

You just wrote my blog post. And I'm even going to say so on my blog! :)

dewde said...

you stole my cricket chirp nested within double-colon action indicators.

don't think i didn't notice.

and don't think your safe now because we live in two different states.

i'm just saying....


Mia said...

Great post. But of course you know I am in the KB fan club big time! Hope that things settled down today. I will call in the morning!

Sincerely Anna said...

We're so much alike it isn't even funny. I'm so glad I "met" you this year.

Mozi Esme said...

Yeah - I guess that describes us all! Though some of us appreciate the journey along the way to "becoming the person we want to be" more than others. I need to spend more time doing that.