Wednesday, February 08, 2006

To Blog or Not To Blog....

That is the question...

As I sit here in front of my computer screen, staring into the blank nothingness of cyberspace, I wonder if this blog is simply a high-tech version of talking to myself. It doesn't speak back to me, but the words on the screen are so familiar that it comforts me to go back and read the crazy thoughts I had at one time or another.

I do have one blogfan out there :-) (Hello Carolynn) who encourages me to keep writing and sharing my musings about mundane, ordinary things. Sometimes life tends to run away from me. Days slip by and, without warning, I am turning off my bedside lamp and crawling under my covers at the close of another uneventful day. Other times, like today, I have wondered how one day can last so long. I had three conference calls today, my golden retriever chewed up an advertising project I was working on for a client, and I just generally have the "blahs." Each hour has dragged its feet, slowly meandering by like an elderly blind man with a cane. Tick, tock, tick, tock...the conference calls drag on...tick, tock, tick, tock...I redo the project that I had so painstakingly worked on the night before...tick, tock, tick, tock..afternoon slowly gives way to darkness and the thought of going to bed at 7:00 suddenly appeals to me.

But, of course that doesn't happen. It never happens. Life happens instead. Phone calls, toddler bedtime prayers, email and now my blog responsibilities hold me hostage in the waking world just a little while longer.

I best turn in now. Just a few sacred hours of shut eye separate me from another day. I am suddenly grateful for the minutes, thankful for hours I can spend with my husband and son and blessed to have the prospect of living another day.

Look out tomorrow, here I come!

1 comment:

Lexy said...

Hey! I'm reading, too! I won't rag you about blogging though since I've let mine sit idle for last several months...