Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Look Out Jerry, Here I Come

I am taking up a new hobby that involves carving a customized stamp from a rubber pad. I have been on the hunt for such an item at the usual big box craft stores like Michaels, etc. But an artsy friend of mine said there are two TRUE art supply stores in the Nashville area and one of them is called....are you ready for this?

Jerry's ART-O-RAMA.

Folk, I can hardly say that without hand motions. Is that not just a party waiting to happen I ask you?

Now, I'm always up for a good ART O-Rama? By someone named Jerry nonetheless? You know Jerry is the fun guy. The life of the party. The...CREATOR OF SOMETHING CALLED AN ART-O-RAMA.

I must go. It will be a pilgrimage of sorts. I will document the journey. It will be something to cross off my Bucket List. Well, it's not actually on my bucket list yet but it will be. Then I will cross it off. Oh yes I will.

An Art-O-Rama. I'm getting all fluttery just thinkin about it. [laugh]


Sincerely Anna said...

You have to say it with re-verb too. Art-o-Rama-a-a-a-a. Have fun!

MelDrop said...

and she ain't kiddin' jerry...WATCH OUT!!! hahaha

Melissa said...

Ooh, I love a good Art-O-Rama!! :o) My favorite aisle is the pens/calligraphy nibs/inks aisle.