Sunday, January 14, 2007


Today, I am embarking on a lengthy journey and will be doing it just like in the "olden" know, my Life Before Ipod.

It died. Kapoot. Nothing. No sign of life. I was listening to it on the way home from the store last night, bring it inside and poof. She's never come alive again.

Now, please let me clarify that I KNOW where this ranks on the scale of tragic historic events:

Katie's iPod unresponsive .....nope, it just doesn't belong on that list.

HOWEVER, I must say that the overly emotive, highly demonstrative person in me is crushed to the core. A 5 1/2 hour flight seemed bearable as I constructed playlist after playlist of all my favorite songs. Hundreds of them at my disposal. Now...nothing.

Oh well. Maybe I'll depend on a good book or count the number of people resting soundly with little wires coming out of their ears. That will surely help me pass the time.

Oh well, it's probably for the best. I still hadn't worked out that whole "not singing while listening because other people can't hear what you hear" thing.

My seat mate on the flight will be relieved.

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