Sunday, February 25, 2007

Same Ole, Same Ole

Maybe I do have adult ADD.

I have been in a funk this weekend and I think it's because I'm bored. I have come to believe that my life thrives on chaos and, when things become routine and predictable I don't handle it well.

Case in point--after the "hub bub" of the holidays, I made a journey out to Washington state for business. Then, it was a period of getting ready for Daniel's birthday and then a whirlwind trip down to Orlando with a change of hotel every day. Following that, it was playing "catch up" and sorting through 177 emails as well as mailing birthday cards, doing laundry, getting caught up on work and church responsibilities.

Now...we're back in the routine.

I have a great doubt about it. But, the predicatability of each day gets to you after a while. Even the little things like making breakfast, then preparing a lunch and snack for Daniel to take to school, then working, then picking him up and avoiding small children as they dart in and out of the parking lot all while remembering not to go the wrong way lest I be scolded by the parking lot monitors...then we drive home, he goes down for a nap, I work more...then it's time to figure out what's for dinner... I know there are worse things in life than getting bored. But, I can assure you, if I had to work on an assembly line or a job involving repetitive motion, I wouldn't last a day! Event he silliest of things like taking a shower in the same place, using the same shampoo and soap, drying my hair, putting on make-up.'s just the same ole routine that starts to get to me. Isn't that crazy?

Perhaps it's that I am a product of a family that moved so often that we'd joke "oops! the carpet's dirty, it's time to move..." Who knows? What is it about me that abhors the mundane while others take great comfort in predictability?

Anyone else share my disorder? :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too, suffer with SOSOD (Same Ole, Same Ole Disorder) at times.