Wednesday, October 11, 2006


I love fall.

Even the word "autumn" makes me feel good. And, when someone uses the word "autumnal" to describe something that is associated with this season it just rolls off the tongue smoothly...."au-toom-nuhl".... deep colors of burnt orange, rust and golds appearing in little spurts throughout my neighborhood... luscious purple and plum colored mums bursting open and the comforting smell of burning leaves and fireplaces getting their first trial run before the temperatures start to drop.

In a recent conversation with my friend Cindy, we discussed words we liked (or, really, I discussed words I liked or didn't like and she mostly laughed at the oddness of my obsession with words). For example, I always associate the word "crisp" with fall. Crisp air, crisp apples, apple crisp...why does it always come back to food? :-)

On beautiful autumn days, the sun slants through the trees at just the right angle to create a stunning pattern on our lawn. The air is perfect and the leaves are falling as I pick the spot on which I'll lay back and survey the branches rustling in the breeze. For this and other reasons, I am simply in a better mood in the fall. It's not too hot, it's not too cold and the holiday trifecta of Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas is on its way. I can dream about the wonderful ideas that I will most likely never implement while not feeling any pressure to decorate or have the house in order for holiday company.

What else do I love about this season? Football games and the accompanying beat of a drumline... long sleeve shirts with a pair of shorts... trips to the pumpkin patch...

I love this time of year.


Anonymous said...

sumptuously sweet candy of a word...
pure confection.
another great blog, Katie.
Very fitting for me...the 'crisp' part, as I've peeled/sliced 100+ apples from our orchard into 8 crisps for friends and some applesauce for the freezer the past two weeks.

Roses Are Red, Violets are Violet said...

WHY do we not live closer??????

Lexy said...

You should make some stroganoff -- that's so fall harvest! It's also on my list of words that tickle me... and it's yummy.

Roses Are Red, Violets are Violet said...

fall harvest stroganoff! Memories....light the corners of my mind...misty water....color.......memmmmmmm-o-ries........

Anonymous said...

FALL IN FLORIDA...a different world!
I am so jealous of your fall weather and experiences..can't wait to visit during Thanksgiving.
I have covered our house in pumnpkins and mums to bring the look of fall into view even though the weather still says summer - yes, we are even still swimming! :-)
Love - J